
Market Analysis: The circuit breaker market has been growing steadily in recent years. The increasing demand for energy has led to the expansion of the power generation sector, which in turn has boosted the demand for circuit breakers. The market is highly competitive, with many players competing for market share. The main competitors are large multinational companies that have been operating in the market for a long time. 

Sales Performance: Our circuit breaker sales company has performed well in the market. With the accumulative clients and strong distibution network over other competitors.Our export has a steady growth in South Asia, South American market with 30 percents. Our sales team has also been effective in identifying new sales opportunities and converting them into sales.The plan for recruit will bring us with more than 10 new staff next year. 

Aim for next year:

Diversify product range: The company consider expanding our products range in order to include other types of circuit breakers that are in high demand. This will enable us to cater to the diverse needs of our distributors and customers.

Enhance marketing efforts: Increasing advertisement budget to increase brand awareness and reach new customers..

Expand distribution network: Expanding distribution network to reach more customers in different regions. 

Conclusion: Our circuit breaker department has performed well in the market, and there is potential for further growth. By implementing the above recommendations, our department can increase our market share, reach new customers, and improve our products lines. 
